Asked To Give A Recorded Statement About Your Accident? 2 Tips For Success


After you have been involved in a car accident, you might be looking forward to getting your car fixed, settling your case, and moving on with your life. To process your claim, your insurance company might request a recorded interview or statement, so that you can tell your side of the story. Unfortunately, while a good interview might help to expedite your settlement, divulging too much information might destroy your personal injury case. Here are two tips for giving a successful recorded statement, so that your own words don't come back to haunt you: 

1: Ask To Include Your Lawyer

Sure, it might seem easy to pick up the phone and have a friendly chat with that insurance adjuster, but you might want to arrange a conference call instead. Before you answer any questions, ask your insurance company if you can have a group meeting with your lawyer, or if you can have your attorney dial in to the call. It might seem like a hassle, but your lawyer can help you to tackle these issues:

  • Evaluate Questions: As your insurance company grills you about your accident, your lawyer can evaluate the fairness of each question, and determine whether or not the wording is fair. For example, if the insurance company asks you a leading question that might imply that you weren't paying attention to the road, your attorney could interject and let you know that you don't need to answer.  
  • Verify Insurance Coverage: While your attorney is on the phone with your insurance company, they can talk with company representatives about your coverage levels, so that you can estimate your expenses. For example, your lawyer might be able to find out who the insurance company considers at fault for the wreck, so that you know whether or not you will be responsible for your deductible.
  • Discuss Evidence: Insurance representatives might also discuss different elements of evidence, such as vehicle sensor codes or traffic light videos. If your attorney is on the phone, he or she will be able to gauge how this evidence could be used at trial, so that they can prepare your case more effectively.

If the insurance company refuses to let your lawyer participate, simply refuse to give the interview. Instead, direct any questions that your insurance company might have directly to your lawyer's office. 

2: Don't Volunteer Information

Sometimes when people start talking, they have a tendency to get a little too comfortable—especially if they feel like the other party understands. Unfortunately, volunteering information could give your insurer more to work with, which could ultimately harm your settlement. As you give your recorded statement, try to refrain from giving:

  • Your Opinion: Avoid the temptation to give your opinion on what caused the wreck, what the other driver may have been thinking, or why you did the things that you did. Instead, simply answer the question, and then wait for the next one.
  • Scene Details: After your accident, you might overanalyze every last detail of the wreck, and then talk about what happened when the insurance company calls. However, don't talk about details of the scene that the insurance company might know nothing about. For example, if you know that there were a few empty bottle of liquor in the back seat, avoid explaining that they were from a party a few weeks back. Since you weren't drinking during the wreck, the contents of your backseat are irrelevant. However, bringing up alcohol in regards to a wreck might give investigators something to pin the accident on.

By being careful when you give a recorded statement, you might be able to streamline your personal injury case and get every dime you deserve. If you're looking for an auto accident attorney to help you give a successful recorded statement, then go to sites like the one linked to here.


22 September 2015

Consulting with an Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer

Ten years ago, I was injured in a car wreck while commuting to work. When a driver rear-ended my car, I hurt my back. Unfortunately, I had to undergo a couple of weeks of physical therapy. Even after receiving physical therapy, my back never felt as good as it did prior to the wreck. Have you been injured in a car wreck recently? Consider talking with an experienced accident and personal injury lawyer. This type of attorney can help you decide whether filing a lawsuit is your best course of action to take. On this blog, I hope you will discover the benefits of speaking with an accident and personal injury attorney soon after getting injured in a car wreck. Enjoy!